Is Google Ads right for me in 2023?
Have you ever felt like you’re in the Wizard of Oz? Spun up by a tornado, and dropped without a semblance of where you are or where you should go? There are a ton of scenarios that put us in this position when small businesses get into the world of Google PPC marketing. So many…
SEO vs SEM in 2023
Metadata? SERP? Ad spend? Conversion demographics? Head spinning? There’s so many terms and numbers to track when you’re looking at the performance of your websites and digital marketing campaigns. We’ll break down what the differences are between search engine optimization and search engine marketing. There’s a lot to consider, and it’s important you know what…
Use Metadata to Jumpstart Your SEO
You may have heard the term metadata bouncing off the tongues of SEOs and web developers and immediately put it in the back of your mind. After all, in the ever-evolving world of SEO, there always seems to be new techno-jargon to try to keep up with. Still, you know you need to improve your…
How and why to create content
Is content really that important to your site? Your business? A strong digital marketing strategy is made up of many different components. From social media to search engines, it can be difficult to know where you really need to focus your attention. While each piece of your digital marketing strategy is important for effectively promoting…
What Should a Website Cost?
What Should it Cost? When you are pricing out the average website cost, keep in mind that the most expensive isn’t always the best and the cheapest doesn’t mean compromise. Imagine you just hired a new salesperson who works around the clock, day and night, promoting your business to prospects with perfect consistency. Given the…
Does blogging help my website?
In today’s competitive digital market, just having a beautiful website just isn’t enough. Does your competitor have a blog on their site? If so, that means their chances of ranking higher in Google are greater than yours. If not, that’s great news! Get ahead of the competition with an authoritative and informative SEO blog. What’s…
Who is your website for?
We’ve established that having a website is important, and we know what it’s for; but there’s an even more important question to ask: Who is it for? This question is even more important because knowing who your website is for determines essentially everything else about the site. It affects design, functionality, content, capabilities, web services…
What is a website?
Ok, time for business 101. It’s not very controversial anymore to say that every company should have a website. Regardless of industry, business model, geography, or target customer, today’s world operates online. As of 2018, nearly 90% of buying decisions start online, and the majority on search engines like Google. Despite this fact, close…