Does blogging help my website?
In today’s competitive digital market, just having a beautiful website just isn’t enough. Does your competitor have a blog on their site?
If so, that means their chances of ranking higher in Google are greater than yours. If not, that’s great news! Get ahead of the competition with an authoritative and informative SEO blog.
What’s SEO Blogging All About?
Personal blogs and online journals have gone the way of the buffalo. People don’t read blogs just for fun anymore. They’re looking for answers to specific questions.
Today, blogs are less about you as the writer and more about your customers. What problems do they have? How can you help them solve them? Your SEO blog is your chance to show your customer that your product or service can help them – and that you’re an authority on the subject.
Does Blogging Really Help SEO?
The short answer is: Yes!
Blogging helps SEO by allowing you to answer questions your customers are searching for before they have a chance to ask someone else. When customers search for information that is related to your product or service, Google’s algorithms search for the most relevant answers. The more relevant your blog post is to the question, the more likely Google is to deliver it.
How Do I Answer Questions with an SEO Blog?
It’s more intuitive than you think. As a small business owner, you know your product best. What questions do you hear your customers ask everyday? How would they best search for them in Google?
Simply take those “keywords” and develop content around them. This is proven to help drive interested customers to your website.
Finding Competitive Keywords
So you have an understanding of what your target audience is searching for, but how do you stand out from the competition?
Answer: you focus on keywords with high monthly search volume and low competition. Ask MediaWorks to give you that information – they have it at their fingertips!
If you’re struggling to find keywords in your niche with low competition, try using “long-tail keywords” instead.
What Are Long-Tail Keywords?
Long-tail keywords are typically easier to rank for than simple one-word keywords. That’s because they answer something more specific.
For example, let’s say you own a lawn mowing company. Instead of trying to target the keyword, “lawn mowing service,” you can answer specific questions by targeting the long-tail keywords, “lawn mowing service cost,” “commercial lawn mowing in Denver,” or “lawn mowing service for the large lawns.”
Building Content Around Keywords
Now that you have your low competition keywords, you can start building content.
Continuing with our lawn mowing example, you might write an article titled, “How Much Does Commercial Lawn Mowing Cost?” From there, you can explain what commercial lawn mowing is, what levels of service you offer, and how each situation is different.
End your article with a call-to-action. Ask the customer to contact you for a quote.
Optimizing Your Blog for SEO
Now that you understand why blogging is vital to your digital marketing strategy, let’s get into how to really make it work for you.
With a clear idea of your keyword or keyphrase, you’ll want to include it in the areas that Google’s website crawlers search.
– Include your keyword in your post title
– Make your post 300 words or longer
– Simplify your URL structure and make sure it contains your keyword
-Link internally and externally
-Use your keyword in your headings
Don’t use your keyword more than once or twice per hundred words – this is called over-optimization or keyword stuffing and Google can penalize you for it!
Of course, there’s always more you can do to optimize your blog, but this is enough to get you going in the right direction.
Boost Your Reach With Arvada’s Premier Digital Marketing Services
As you may have gathered from this article, SEO blogging is just a part of your whole digital marketing strategy. It can be time-consuming and confusing. Your SEO blogging should be handled by the best. MediaWorks is Denver’s best digital marketing service. With a long track record of successful SEO campaigns, we work as a partner, not a vendor. Call us today!